Indoor Lives

How to start indoor planting for beginners?

Indoor planting for beginners can be a wonderful and productive experience. The following are steps to get you going:


Choose the Right Plants

Start with the easiest indoor plants to grow. Best beginner-friendly options include

Herbs: Try basil, mint parley and thyme.

5 Best Succulents: Aloe Vera, Jade Plant and More

Foliage Plants: Pothos, spider plant and snake plant

Flowering Plants: African Violets, Peace Lilies


Find the Right Location

All plants require light to do well. Place in a Sunny area for natural light, near windows preferable. Consider using grow lights if natural light is limited.


Select Appropriate Containers

Plant in containers with excellent drainage to avoid sitting water. Containers should have holes in the bottom for drainage and use saucers to catch runoff.



Use Quality Potting Mix

Select a type of potting mix recommended for that plant Most houseplants will thrive in an all-purpose potting mix, but cacti and succulents need a fast-draining soil.


Water Properly

Different plants will require different watering TYPEDEF As a rule, it’s safer to under than overwater. Before watering, stick your finger about 1 inch into the soil to check for moisture. If it does so dry, water them!


Maintain Humidity

Many indoor plants prefer a higher humidity level. Misting the plants, placing a tray of water near them or using humidifiers are ways you can elevate humidity.


Fertilize Regularly

A few times each month during the growing season, feed your plants a balanced water-soluble fertilizer season (spring and summer). Decrease feeding in dormant time (Fall and Winter).


Prune and Clean

Now the latest step is to trim off dead or yellowing leaves as they occur which promotes new growth and prevents pests. Make sure to clean the leaves every so often, one because dust will accumulate on them under a watered and two it will disturb photosynthesis.


Watch for Pests

Pest Risk: Spider Mites, Aphids and Fungus Gnats are attracted by Indoor Plants. Check your plants out on regular intervals and if any infestations are noticed treat it immediately with insecticidal soap or neem oil.


Be Patient and Observant

Let us not forget that plants need many years to grow and build up their root system. Check on your plants as often as possible to learn what they need and tailor how you care for them.


If you follow these steps, your indoor garden should be up and running.